8 Important Types of Transfer of Learning – B.Ed Notes

In this article we have discussed about the 8 important Types of Transfer of Learning in detailed. You can Download the PDF of this notes after reading this article.

Transfer of learning – Introduction

Transfer of learning is the application of knowledge or skills acquired in one context to solve problems or perform tasks in a different context, demonstrating the practical and adaptable use of learned information.

Types of Transfer of Learning

There are many types of transfer of learning or training. Here we have discussed about the 8 most common types of Transfer of Learning.

  1. Positive Transfer
  2. Negative Transfer
  3. Zero Transfer
  4. Bilateral Transfer
  5. Specific or near Transfer
  6. General or far Transfer
  7. Lateral Transfer
  8. Vertical Transfer

Let’s discuss about these types of transfer of learning in detail.

Positive Transfer

  • Positive transfer occurs when prior learning enhances or facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge or skills. In this case, the skills or information learned in one context positively affect performance in another context.
  • For example, if someone has learned how to ride a bicycle, these balancing skills can positively transfer to learning how to ride a scooter, as the underlying principles of balance remain similar.

Negative Transfer

  • Negative transfer, on the other hand, is when prior learning hinders or interferes with the acquisition of new knowledge or skills. It can lead to mistakes or difficulties in a new context due to the influence of previous learning.
  • For instance, if someone has learned to play baseball and is accustomed to hitting a pitched ball, transitioning to cricket, where the ball bounces before reaching the batsman, might result in negative transfer, as the previous learning may hinder the ability to adapt to the different ball trajectory.

Zero Transfer

  • Zero transfer, also known as “neutral transfer,” occurs when prior learning has no significant effect on new learning or performance in a different context. In this case, the knowledge or skills from the original situation do not influence or impact the new situation, resulting in a lack of transfer.
  • For example, riding a bicycle and swimming are two distinct activities that require different sets of skills and movements. The balance and coordination required for cycling are not directly applicable to swimming, and vice versa. In this case, there is zero transfer of learning from riding a bicycle to swimming because the skills and knowledge developed in one context have no significant impact on the other.

Bilateral Transfer (Reciprocal Transfer)

  • Bilateral transfer is a type of transfer where learning in one context enhances or positively influences learning in another context, and the transfer goes both ways. It implies a mutually beneficial relationship between two learning contexts.
  • For example, if someone learns to play the piano and later decides to learn to play the guitar, the skills developed in piano playing might enhance the process of learning the guitar, and vice versa.

Specific Transfer

  • Specific transfer, also known as near transfer, occurs when the learned skills or knowledge are applied to situations that closely resemble the original learning context. The similarity between the two contexts makes the transfer more direct and straightforward.
  • For example, if someone has learned how to solve linear algebra problems, they can directly apply these skills to solve similar linear equations in a different mathematical context.

General Transfer

  • General transfer, or far transfer, involves applying knowledge or skills to contexts that may be quite different from the original learning situation. This type of transfer requires a greater degree of abstraction and adaptability.
  • For instance, problem-solving skills developed in a specific domain, such as computer programming, can be generalized to address various real-life challenges, demonstrating a broader application of learned skills.

Lateral Transfer

  • Lateral transfer is when knowledge or skills are applied in a context that is different but parallel to the original learning situation. This type of transfer involves transferring learning to a domain that shares some similarities but may also have notable differences.
  • For example, if someone has expertise in graphic design for print media, they may apply their skills laterally to design for digital media, adapting their knowledge to a related but distinct context.

Vertical Transfer

  • Vertical transfer refers to the transfer of learning from one level of complexity to another within the same domain or subject. It involves moving from a more basic understanding to a more advanced or specialized level.
  • An example of vertical transfer is when a student who has a solid foundation in algebra transitions to learning calculus, building upon the principles learned in algebra but applying them to more complex mathematical concepts.

Understanding these types of transfer of learning is essential in education and problem-solving, as it enables individuals to make the most of their knowledge and skills across a wide range of situations, whether similar, different, related, or unrelated.

   Also Read :  
  • Get the complete B.Ed Notes on Concept of Transfer of Learning
  • Get the complete B.Ed Notes on Theories of Transfer of Learning
  • Get the complete B.Ed Notes on Applications of Transfer of Learning
  • Get the complete B.Ed Notes on Learning and Teaching

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